Parametric plywood pavillion – first sketchesParametryczny pawilon ze sklejki – wstępne szkice

Jawor Design Studio is developing a construction system for parametric plywood pavillion, which is going to be fabricated in July, during parametric design workshops held in Wrocław. Initial 3d sketches below :

Structure was designed with use of dynamic relaxation and node aggregation techniques, which was programmed in Processing. Precise parametric geometry was then built in Generative Components, then it was prepared for digital fabrication on CNC machine.

Special node system was developed to accomodate twisting geometry of non-planar connections :

All steps required to generate such structures will be explained in detail during workshops held in Faculty of Architecture (TU Wrocław) between 20 and 24th June :

Jawor Design Studio is developing a construction system for parametric plywood pavillion, which is going to be fabricated in July, during parametric design workshops held in Wrocław. Initial 3d sketches below :

Structure was designed with use of dynamic relaxation and node aggregation techniques, which was programmed in Processing. Precise parametric geometry was then built in Generative Components, then it was prepared for digital fabrication on CNC machine.

Special node system was developed to accomodate twisting geometry of non-planar connections :

All steps required to generate such structures will be explained in detail during workshops held in Faculty of Architecture (TU Wrocław) between 20 and 25th June :

Parametric design workshops in WroclawWarsztaty z projektowania parametrycznego we Wrocławiu

Between February and March 2012 Przemek together with Michał Piasecki and Mateusz Zwierzycki was running parametric design workshops in Wroclaw. Participants were introduced into vast world of practical and theoretical knowledge, starting from creating simple control-point driven 3D models, ending on panelizations, ribbed structures and automatic generation of architectural drawings.

To produce physical models tutors used laser and CNC cutting, and 3D printing. Main software platforms were Generative Components and Rhino Grasshopper, however Processing was also used for simple scripting exercises.

more information is on


photo Marcin Osiecki

photo Marcin Osiecki

Pomiędzy lutym a marcem 2012 Przemek poprowadził wspólnie z Michałem Piaseckim oraz Mateuszem Zwierzyckim warsztaty z projektowania parametrycznego. Uczestnicy zostali przeprowadzeni przez rozległy obszar wiedzy praktycznej i teoretycznej, poczynając od tworzenia prostych modeli 3D opartych na punktach kontrolnych, poprzez struktury żebrowane i panelizacje, aż po automatyczne generowanie dokumentacji budowlanej.

Wykorzystano techniki cyfrowego wspomagania wytwarzania takie jak cięcie kartonu laserem, wycinanie CNC w sklejce oraz druk 3D. Głównymi programami były Generative Components oraz Rhino Grasshopper, ale poruszono też programowanie w środowisku Processing.

więcej informacji znajduje się na


photo Marcin Osiecki

photo Marcin Osiecki

Parametric design workshop

Przemek Jaworski and Michał Piasecki will lead a parametric design workshop held at Faculty of Architecture of Wroclaw Polytechnic University. Workshop will take place on 4 weekends, starting on 16/17 of April 2011. Material covered will include parametric BSplineSurfaces, panelization techniques of facades and roofs, automatic calculation of areas in freeform shapes and several key fabrication techniques. At the end participants will produce set of laser-cut physical models.

More info can be found here.

Smart Geometry 2010

Smart Geometry Workshops and Conference, held in Barcelona’s IaaC this year was a huge success. Over four days of workshops, hundreds of small and large scale (1:1) prototypes were designed and (!) manufactured using laser cutters, milling machines and various robots. ‘Working prototypes’ challenge was to build and test architectural models, thus proving their usability and functionality, which wasn’t easy within such limited time – but quality level of produced work was incredibly high.

IaaC main space

All fabrication techniques were pushed to their limits, with new approaches re-invented on the fly, or manufacturing processes reengineered and applied in completely different way.  One of most spectacular examples was KUKA robot employed to cut styrofoam bricks, as shown below :

KUKA robot

(video of the process can be seen here)

styrofoam bricks

Workshop consisted of ten clusters : Deep Surfaces, Nonlinear Systems in Biology and Design, Manufacturing Parametric Acoustic Surfaces, High Tech Design – Low Tech Construction, Parametrics and Physical Interactions, Curved Folding, Explicit Bricks, Rapid R&D to Rapid Assembly, Design to Destruction, Inflatable Fabric Envelopes.

workshop space

My contribution in whole ‘creative mess’ was to co-tutor Parametrics and Physical Interactions cluster, together with Hugo Mulder (Arup), and Flora Salim (SIAL, RMIT).  Its aim, was to provide participants with tools to extend virtual parametric modelling to physical world. We used sensors (light, movement, ultrasound, camera object tracking) as inputs, and various actuators, light emitters and multimedia projections as physical outputs. Short, but concise summary of the workshop is shown in video below :

Information on Smart Geometry Workshops and Conference can be found at

More photographs:

parametric acoustic surfaces

parametric membranes

curved folding

high tech design, low tech construction

parametrics and physical interactions

More constructions

other constructions modeled previously, with non-developmental algorithms


Presented structure can be easily panelized with triangles

Previous version of the latter  looked like this :