Biostagog – interactive multimedia 3d-printed installation in WarsawBiostagog – interactive multimedia 3d-printed installation in Warsaw

Interactive multimedia installation called ‘Biostagog’ was opened for viewing in Warsaw, in headquaters of Platige Image. The piece consisting of 800 3d-printed parts was designed by Michał Piasecki and Mikołaj Molenda, and then 3d-printed on ZMorph personal fabricators in Jawor Design Studio’s workshop.

More information on the sculpture can be found here (making of) and video showing the printing process is available on vimeo

Interactive multimedia installation called ‘Biostagog’ was opened for viewing in Warsaw, in headquaters of Platige Image. The piece consisting of 800 3d-printed parts was designed by Michał Piasecki and Mikołaj Molenda, and then 3d-printed on ZMorph personal fabricators in Jawor Design Studio’s workshop.

More information on the sculpture can be found here (making of) and video showing the printing process is available on vimeo

Parametric design and 3d printing workshopParametric design and 3d printing workshop

Jawor Design Studio will run a special fast-paced and condensed parametric workshop that will be held in Poznań during Arena DesignFair , which will run from 5 to 8th of march 2013. The fair gathers all professionals and institutions related to design industry, including schools, universities, ,design offices and furniture makers. It will be focused on parametric and generative design techniques, and will utilize environments such as Rhino Grasshopper, Generative Components and Processing. We will be showing examples of algorithmically generated sculptures that will then be live-3d-printed on ZMorph 3d printers. You can find us in building 5, near to exit number 4. We’re starting at 12:00 on Thursday, the workshop will take 4 hours. If you want to participate, please fill this form.


 Jawor Design Studio will run a special fast-paced and condensed parametric workshop that will be held in Poznań during Arena DesignFair , which will run from 5 to 8th of march 2013. The fair gathers all professionals and institutions related to design industry, including schools, universities, ,design offices and furniture makers. It will be focused on parametric and generative design techniques, and will utilize environments such as Rhino Grasshopper, Generative Components and Processing. We will be showing examples of algorithmically generated sculptures that will then be live-3d-printed on ZMorph 3d printers. You can find us in building 5, near to exit number 4. We’re starting at 12:00 on Thursday, the workshop will take 4 hours. If you want to participate, please fill this form.


Zmorph 3d printer development – chamberDrukarka Zmorph – nowy projekt komory

Zmorph is evolving to next stage – now it’s being equipped with enclosure (chamber) that keeps the heat inside and prevents plastic from warping due to rapid cooling. Idea is now entering testing phase, we’re hoping that it will perform as expected. Keep your fingers crossed! 🙂


 Zmorph ewoluuje do następnego etapu – już wkrótce będzie wyposażony w obudowę (komorę) która trzyma temperaturę wydruku na wysokim poziomie i przeciwdziała podkurczaniu się warstw plastiku w wyniku chłodzenia. Pomysł wchodzi w fazę prototypowania i testowania, mamy nadzieję, że będzie działał jak przewidujemy. Trzymajcie kciuki! 🙂



3d printing in large scale – experimentEksperyment z drukowaniem 3D w dużej skali

Over course of summer Jawor Design Studio was involved in 3d printing of large scale spatial installation designed by Michał Piasecki and Mikołaj Molenda. In cooperation with Bolesław Telesiński and Piotrek Halczuk we built 6 Zmorph 3d printers and printed over 500 pieces made of ABS plastic. The installation will be opened this autumn in Warsaw, and will be fully video mapped, to create interactive audio-visual structure.

Mikołaj Molenda created a short movie about the process of printing, which will be later expanded to full documentary. Teaser attached below :


image courtesy of Mikołaj Molenda, all rights reserved

image courtesy of Mikołaj Molenda, all rights reserved


Some photos from the workshop :

More information about Zmorph 3d printers is available on lata Jawor Design Studio było zaangażowane w projekt dużej instalacji przestrzennej w całości wykonanej na drukarkach 3D. W kooperacji z Bolesławem Telesińskim oraz Piotrem Halczukiem zbudowaliśmy 6 drukarek 3D Zmorph i wydrukowaliśmy ponad 500 elementów, które razem stworzą trójwymiarową rzeźbę z plastiku ABS. Instalacja zaprojektowana przez Michała Piaseckiego i Mikołaja Molendę będzie otwarta tej jesieni, i będzie w pełni video mappowana, tworząc niesamowitą audio-wizualną kompozycję.

Mikołaj Molenda nakręcił i zmontował krótki film pokazujący proces drukowania, który zostanie wkrótce rozbudowany do dłuższego filmu dokumentalnego. Trailer poniżej :


image courtesy of Mikołaj Molenda, all rights reserved

foto Mikołaj Molenda

A tak wygląda warsztat z drukarkami :

Więcej informacji o drukarkach Zmorph 3d można znaleźć na